Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Un"Theming Kits

I wanted to share with you a layout I made today for two reasons.

First, I have to show you my super cute daughter and her new bike.  She is soooooo proud of it.  After being jealous that both her brothers have bikes for a while, I finally found one her size listed on craigslist.  She was so excited when we picked it up and wants to ride every day.  Her two thrills:  She can ride in the street with her brothers and the bike has a horn!!

So next I wanted to share with you because I ran into what I thought might be a dilemma when I went looking for a kit to scrap with.  I really wanted to use a kit that I already owned and I wanted it to be bright and match the pink in the picture.  Looking through previews, this one by Jady Day Studio caught my eye:

However, you will notice that the kit is truly an Easter kit and my bike pictures are not at all Eastery.  When I looked at the kit, though, I noticed how many gorgeous elements were included that were very cutesy and girly but not only bunnies and eggs.  So I took on the challenge of using a Theme kit to scrap a layout that doesn't match the theme.

And I'm thrilled with how it came out!!!!  What do you think?

To help me out I also used a great template and font by Darcy Baldwin.

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